Friday, July 2, 2010

July Already?!

Wow, June was a whirlwind month! I haven't been home at all to do the things I had planned, so I'm getting started now! July will mark the restart of my sugar free diet, I will not be giving up fruits this time-just refined sugars.  It will also be the month we begin our new menu plan! I'm very excited about this, I don't have all the meals planned for the month yet, but I'm getting close.
A few new things have been added to the mix, I will be starting a plan to read the Bible in 90 days. Now, I've read all of the Bible at some point or another in my life, but I've never just sat down and read through it all at once. I know this is a daunting task, but I've been praying about it and I really feel that it's something I need to do. There is a blog community that will be starting this journey together, reading the same passages and holding each other accountable. We will begin on July 5th, and have weekly check in times to see our progress! If you'd like to do this as well, go here and register. I would love to know of my friends reading the Bible at the same time! If you do sign up, please let me know here and we'll continue to encourage and uplift each other through these next three months.  She will be using the Bible in 90 Days which is an NIV translation, but you don't have to go purchase a new Bible just for this project. I will be using my personal Bible and following along with the reading plan.
I've also found out about a Christian Blog Conference that will be held in October. I think it would be so much fun to attend and learn new ways I can use my blog, as well as meet other Christian moms doing the same thing! It's alot of money though, so I'm still praying about how/if God will open the doors for me to attend.
I have so much more to talk about, but will share later! Have a blessed day!


  1. Oh girl! Let's go to the conference together! We could split a room!!

  2. oh! that would be great! we should really try and work that out :-)!
